Monday, August 6, 2012

My Dogs-Lucky, Buddy, and Kuma!

I was looking through all of my pictures and I thought I would share some pictures of my dogs! My dogs are my best friends and I love spending time with them. I wish I could have more dogs but with the three things are already crazy but also so fun. Their names are Lucky, Buddy, and Kuma.

Lucky is a chihuahua/jack russel mix we think and he is around 7. We really aren't sure though because we rescued him and have no way to check. When we found him he was starving, had mange, and was really sick. The vet told us he probably wouldn't make it.:( But he obviously did( and put a few pounds on in the process). He sleeps with me every night and follows me everywhere I go. Not to play favorite but he is totally my favorite.:)

Next there is Kuma. He is an olddddddd Akita that is about 14. He used to be a therapy dog before he was adopted. He is very mild-tempered and extremly calm. Around dinner time he can get pretty pushy when he wants food.

Last there is Buddy! He is crazy and has so much energy. He is about a year and a half old and hardly ever sleeps. He loves to wrestle and play with other dogs. He can be a little destructive though(most toys don't even last him five minutes before he destroys them).

Buddy playing in his pool.

 Lucky sleeping in my room.


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